Thursday, September 24, 2009

Knowledge Management (R&D validation)

Today the company which I am working with talks about how to validate (or capitalize) the technical capability of the company. This cause me to remember what I have learned in the courses related to Knowledge Management in the past few years.

Based on what I learned, the following can be used to measure (capitalize) asset of a company:

1) Human Asset
This is related to how experience the staffs are, whether they are knowledgeable and stable or not.

2) IT Asset
This is related to IT infra-structrue of the company, how IT is used to improve efficiency of the company
(e.g. Bugs Tracking, Source Control, email system, IT for project management, etc)

3) Work procedure
This is related to whether there is proper procedure so that the staffs can re-utilize their knowledge to develop a new project (to keep the quality, to shorten the development period), to based on existing knowledge to create new knowledge, etc.

4) Social Asset
Related to relationship with existing and potential customer.

5) Patent
Number of patent the company have and how the patent can help the company to safeguide its business/product.

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